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Midterm & Final reflection


1. I am at a medium confidence level.  I have come a long way but truly believe I have so much more to learn.  I don’t believe you ever stop learning. I have my moments of utter confusion thinking, “how can I ever teach?”; however it goes away and I have moments when I remember exactly why I chose this profession. Each class that I have attended in this program has given me valuable learning tools and information. This class is especially important, just like the special needs population course, as that may be my biggest challenge as a teacher. The next step into student teaching will be scary.  I lack a little confidence in this step. 

2. I love that I have been exposed to different teaching strategies based on many things. I think the knowledge of differentiated, culturally sensitive and linguistically diverse education is so extremely important. I think all teachers should take this class as something new or a refresher course. I am continually learning strategies and skills.  I pick them up every day even if it’s as small as learning how to effectively get the student’s attention. Every time I read, write or reflect I am using and learning new skills. I am going to start making a list of the most important pieces of information to keep with me while I teach. 

3. What I have learned about diverse learners that I find the most important is that they see things differently than I do.  There are so many different perspectives and learning styles that you cannot teach equally across the classroom in hopes that everyone is going to catch on. Linguistically diverse learners need a different approach.  They need to feel comfortable and a good way to do that is to practice group and peer learning in your classroom.  I am going to use groups a lot. I feel it’s important for the student to feel comfortable.  

4. Children and really everybody learn based off what they already know. The brain is constantly making connections to previous knowledge. I think as a teacher you have to take the time to get to know your students.  You have to learn about what interests them, where they come from, and more. Knowing about the students gives the teacher an edge on educating them. The teacher can therefore use more scaffolding because they know where to start and where they need to end up. I am constantly using prior knowledge when I learn. This is what provides those “Ah Ha” moments.

5. I believe that while I have learned a lot there is still so much I don’t yet know.  I feel that going through this class and others like it, I will teach with my eye wide open.  I will be aware of the differences, needs, and qualities of my students. I feel like I didn’t learn much in high school. I was not interested in learning what they were teaching. I had one class I remember liking and it was because the teacher made the subject so interesting. We never cracked open the book but we had the most amazing discussions.  I learned so much and that teacher had my attention. It wasn’t until college that I felt like my brain became spongy, where I was absorbing so much information and wanting more. I had to learn how to learn. I didn’t know how to learn.  That sort of sounds funny when I type it but it’s true.  My learning process has evolved over time into a something a lot better than it used to be. I think kids need to also learn how to learn. They need to know that not everyone learns the same way. I am more aware now of cultural diversity and stereotypes than I have ever been. I never really thought that culture affected that way a person would learn because I didn’t know anybody or think outside the box.  I have had my eyes opened to so much in this course. I will never forget our Nacirema article. That was the greatest way to show that people perceive things so differently.

In this class I have learned a lot; however I have a lot more to learn. I would like to say that I have earned an “A” for effort but I am far from mastering these concepts. I think it’s a work in progress and the most valuable learning is yet to come.

This was an overall interesting class. I had a great time working with my 2 Apache students and I enjoyed listening to their stories tonight in front of their parents.  I have already used the I Am From... poems in another class for my pre-student teaching and the kids absolutely loved them!  I learned a lot about writing in this class and weirdly enough I learned that I can write and that I enjoy it as well. I found how much fun it is to write and how easy it comes. I am proud of my I Am From.. poem.  I worked hard on it and it's mine; which is probably how all of the those Apache kids feel. I never would have attempted poetry if it wasn't for this class.  I know how important it is in a curriculum but it intimidated me; however, not anymore.  I will use poetry in my class and show kids how much fun it is.  I also learned that kids love to read and write if you give them something really interesting to read or write about.  Like for example....themselves.  Thats an easy one.  No research involved.  I will take from this class the tutoring I did and the writing I accomplished. Thank you for the semester.