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Fall SPCD 493 Special Needs Population

This was such an amazing class loaded with a wealth of knowledge. I wrote many lesson plans, tutored and reflected on myself as a future teacher.  None of that should be underestimated, however, for this section I would like to dedicate it to my home visit of a very special person and her mother.

Home Visit Reflection


This was one of the most insightful and wonderful assignment that I have participated in, in this program.  I will be honest when I first heard about the assignment, I was a little apprehensive. I even remember walking up to the door with my partner thinking “I hope this goes well.”  Once we got inside we were given a very warm welcome. We went to C’s wing of the house. The family had just remodeled C’s wing to give her more room and more freedom.  The two rooms were bright with light lavender paint and butterflies as the theme. It was the most inviting and serene place to be. C has cerebral palsy, however, that does not stop this beautiful girl with the most stunning smile you will ever see. She cannot talk but she understands every word that you say. She communicates with paper and pencil. Her whole family is so incredibly supportive and loving. C likes to make little beaded figurines, however, she has really got into scrapbooking over the last year. Her mother showed us some the things that C had finished and one project that she was currently working on. They were amazing.  My partner and I may have to go take scrapbooking lessons from her.

This girl also loves fashion.  Her closet is filled with clothes and shoes. Last year for Halloween she dressed up and went to a costume contest with her sisters and some other friends. C won the contest and received $500. Her mom told us that C was just beaming with joy all night long.  Her mother had to keep coming in to check on C because she giggled all night long from her awesome experience.

We asked about C’s experience with school and over all she was able to go to school surrounded by siblings so her time in school was more positive than negative. Her mother told us that they never really had to fight the system.  There was one teacher that didn’t want C in her classroom. Of course, the mother didn’t want her daughter anywhere she wasn’t wanted. Also, there was another teacher along the way who didn’t want C in her room at first but as the days went by the teacher came to realize how wonderful C was.  She also found out not only how much C was learning, but how much she as a teacher had learned.  The teacher told the mother once that there were days she could hardly get out of bed and go to school because of different issues; then she would think about C and realize that if that girl could get up every day and come in with a smile on her face ready to learn, so could she.  From what the mother said, C has inspired many teachers and touched the lives of many people. It was a very emotional day for the mother and some teachers the day that C graduated from high school.  This amazing woman is currently a student as San Juan College. She is working on her business degree in hopes to get a job she will like when she is done. I am truly grateful for getting the opportunity to meet C and her family.

Now having this experience, I will be more prepared for the future students that come through my door. I won’t know it all and it will be a challenge but I think it will also be rewarding.   I do wish I would have had the pleasure to have C in my class.  I do hope to meet more wonderful students like her that want to learn. This brings me to my next point.  All students can learn.  They just need to be given the right learning environment and lots of support along with their individual needs. This experience will make me a better teacher. The other thing that the mother told me about that will be really useful in the future is all of the resources out there for teachers and for parents that have children with disabilities.  There are programs, grants, information and more. Thank you for the experience. My partner and I have been invited to come back for a party with C.

Lacey Lee